801 571-5247
  • The most secure grip mounting available!
  • Easy to install and remove with 7/32 socket
  • Prevents loose bushings and grip screws
  • For full performance use bushing O-rings and grip screw O-rings shown at right
    Price: $94.99
    In Stock

      Item #: B-FSS-24
      Availability: In Stock
      Usually ships In 1-2 Days

      Also Consider

      Bushing O-ring, 24 pieces bushing o-ring, challis o-ring, hex drive bushing o-ring, 1911 grip screw bushing o-ring, 1911 o-ring,challis bushing o-ring, bushing o-ring, challis o-ring, hex drive bushing o-ring, 1911 grip screw bushing o-ring, 1911 o-ring, challis bushing o-ring, 1911 grip, 1911 grips, colt 1911, wilson combat 1911, nighthawk 1911, 1911 bushing

      Bushing O-ring, 24 pieces

      Price: $8.99

      Grip Screw O-ring, 24 pieces grip screw o-ring,challis o-ring,hex drive o-ring,hex head o-ring, loose 1911 grip screw, 1911 loose screw, challis bushing o-ring, grip screw o-ring,challis o-ring,hex drive o-ring,hex head o-ring, loose 1911 grip screw, 1911 loose screw, challis bushing o-ring, 1911 grip, 1911 grips, Colt 1911, Wilson Combat 1911, Nighthawk 1911

      Grip Screw O-ring, 24 pieces

      Price: $8.99

      Full Size Bushing Extractor 1911 grip, 1911 bushing removal,challis bushing tool,1911 grip bushing, grip screw bushing tool,bushing extractor,slotted bushing removal, grip screw o-ring,challis o-ring, slim grip, staked bushings, loctite, 1911 grip, 1911 grips, Colt 1911, Wilson Combat 1911, Nighthawk 1911

      Full Size Bushing Extractor

      Price: $29.99

      Slim Bushing Extractor 1911 bushing removal,challis bushing tool,1911 grip bushing, grip screw bushing tool,bushing extractor,slotted bushing removal, 1911 grip, 1911 bushing removal,challis bushing tool,1911 grip bushing, grip screw bushing tool,bushing extractor,slotted bushing removal, grip screw o-ring,challis o-ring, slim grip, staked bushings, loctite, 1911 grip, 1911 grips, Colt 1911, Wilson Combat 1911, Nighthawk 1911

      Slim Bushing Extractor

      Price: $29.99

      Easy to install and remove. Loctite is not necessary. Use 7/32" nut driver or socket. If using a torque driver, 18 in-lbs is recommended for both steel and aluminum frames.

      These full size bushings will work with grips not less than 0.245" thick. Use our slim bushings for grips 0.188" to 0.245" thick. For still thinner grips use our extra slim bushings.

      We strongly recommend using our bushing O-rings and grip screw O-rings. They will:

      • Prevent loose bushings which can lead to stripped frame threads
      • Eliminate loose grip screws
      • Prevent scuffed frames
      • Provide the most secure mounting available for the 1911; you'll feel the difference!

      Overall Customer Rating of 4 Reviews:
      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star

      Colt 1911 grip bushings.

      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
      I love these grip bushings, real genious thinking went into a simple yet revolutionary design. Brian is a guy who sees something that works but he knows it can be better. Great job!
      I have been building 1911 pistols for over 30 years and the products, grip bushings and Brian's grip bushings pullers are the most inovative parts and good for the 1911 to come along.
      What do we get next?😁
      Mark Morris
      Morris Custom Pistols

      Huntsville, Al.

      Challis bushings

      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
      One of the best steps in the evolution of the 1911. A MUCH better design than the original. Even JMB himself would approve.


      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
      Very well machined, precision parts. Easily installed/removed. This is now a must have for me!

      Why didn't I think of these!

      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
      Simple, smart and effective. They should be the industry standard. Get them!